
The resources below consist of fillable forms to guide the Evaluation process and resources for additional reading. You can also find a link to the DOL Framework that this Framework is based on here.

Self Assessment

This self-assessment can be used as you work through the various phases of evaluation as well as in the evaluation planning process.

  • Does the model include critical inputs required for the implementation of the service activities? (e.g., accessible technology and other resources, program partner services, staffing, coaches, case managers, recruiting and training trainers, and partners with training services, credentialing, and work-based learning opportunities)
  • Are there system-building activities that are part of the necessary foundation for the program? Are these system-building activities part of the logic model?
  • Does the model include all current activities provided to participants? Is there an existing or expected sequence of participant activities that follows a logical path or pattern?
  • Does the model include all “first-level outputs” of the program? (For example, measurable milestones that are necessary but not sufficient conditions for achieving outcomes, such as full participation, use of supportive services, and meetings with coach/advisor.)
  • Does the model include all hypothesized immediate changes and/or outcomes expected for participants, across all relevant domains?
  • Are these immediate changes and/or outcomes an assumed result of specific services?
  • Does the underlying theory of the program design identify expected participant outcomes for particular services?
  • Does the logic model suggest links between intermediate- and longer-term outcomes?
  • Are the longer-term participant outcomes likely to be measurable in the life of the evaluation?
  • As a complete visual or narrative text, does the logic model tell a clear and complete story about the unique program, service strategy, or intervention in the study?
  • If the logic model assumes a theory of change, how does the hypothesis lead to moderate and long- term outcomes?
  • If using a visual representation, does the supplementary narrative text provide a clear and complete story?
  • Are there assumptions about external conditions or other external factors that could affect the successful implementation of the program?
  • Are these identified external conditions or other external factors shown in the model?
Questions taken and modified from the WIF Toolkit developed by Abt Associates.